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Months and months have passed since we have worked together, and I miss you all so much! It has been a while since we communicated. COVID-19 has kept me immersed in keeping our family business afloat, and I am sure the virus has impacted your lives too.

Despite the development and distribution of a vaccine, it seems that it will be necessary for all of us to remain masked and socially distanced for the majority of 2021

Though I considered teaching online, I could not get my head around the process.  However, after extensive research, I finally found a subscription program: Voice Recommended by NATS (National Association of Teachers of Singing) was a plus, and I have been painstakingly setting it up.

I will be sending you an invitation to access the site right after Christmas.  Once you access the site, you will receive all the information needed to set up your end. Once that is done, please contact me to schedule a lesson, and we will begin a new singing adventure! The best part of this platform is that I can upload your music, warm you up with a keyboard, and adequately hear and see you!  You will also be able to access the program with your cell phone. Note that there will be necessary setup costs such as a webcam and an excellent digital microphone.  I have attached a file that will guide you on which mics work best with this platform. You can also log on to and watch the student online seminar for more information.

A New Lesson Process:

As previously, Voice and Breathing exercises will be your responsibility.

A voice lesson will include a warmup, work on a specific song or program, and analyze your technique that you should review and work into your next class.

I will not be charging you for your lessons. If you see a lesson charge on the site, please ignore it.

Hopefully, by working together, we will conquer online lessons and create great vocal presentations.

A Program:

Maria Perry, now a student at the University of Toronto, Canada, visited me last weekend. We had a wonderful conversation about her college experiences, online teaching and learning, projects, and frustrations. I mentioned how disappointed I was to cancel our concerts at Bravo Bistro and that any performance space would be out of the question for most of 2021. We both agreed that if the Octagon in my backyard…  She laughed and said:    “ Well, we could perform Les Misérables out there.”

Ladders, Ropes:  A Barricade?  ”?

I reviewed the program, and it hit me! Each singer is telling a story of “Innocence Lost” and “New Beginnings,” which, in essence, represent the emotional and social barricades that stand in front of all women!  We film each vocal performance on the Octagon using the ladders and ropes to represent the barricade that hinders all women.  We can all work together using our collective creativity.  We can hire Danny B Films to video each segment and the finale’ and edit and create the music video for presentation on YouTube, FaceBook with a watch party, as well as other platforms.

Please note that this is just an idea begging for input. What do you think?



I write to you on December 21st, the Winter Solstice, and the night we will be able to view Christmas Star.

“He who marvels at the beauty of the world in summer will find equal cause for wonder and admiration in winter... In winter, the stars seem to have rekindled their fires, the moon achieves a fuller triumph, and the heavens wear a look of a more exalted simplicity. “

John Burroughs

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Wondrous New Year!

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